These are bug fixes or extra features for the final version of Sentinel

S3.3-JupeServ-core.diff - Fixes a core when using JupeServ and allowing all operators to jupe servers.
S3.3-dronealert-server.diff - Adds the server a drone-alerted user is on to the message sent to the drone/alert channel.
S3.3-checktimes.diff - Applied with the distributed kversion.diff patch, this will CTCP TIME client as they connect and automatically kline those who send invalid replies back. Certain ahem clients people wish to ban will be caught in this manner.
S3.3-scanhosterror.diff - Corrects a compiler error when USE_SCANHOST is #undef'ed.
S3.3-dronekline.diff - A patch contributed by Jeremy to autokline for all drone entries. This depends on the kversion.diff patch included with Sentinel.